Our Gardens
Our unique walled gardens are a labour of love for us. They are hopefully also a little oasis of calm for you during your stay at the Old Stables, in the outskirts of a bustling city and in our busy world.

Garden Openings
At Hillside, we open our whole gardens for public viewings at certain pre-arranged points in the year to raise money for worth charities through admissions and serving teas and cake.
We have previously opened for the National Garden Scheme and most recently for Cancer Research UK.
If you are staying at Hillside Old Stables, you will be allowed use of our Orchard garden during your stay.
We do not carry out garden openings at times we have guests staying with us.
Why do we arrange public garden openings?
At Hillside Old Stables, we wanted to arrange the opening of our gardens in memory of the owner's parents who both sadly lost their lives to cancer, too early during their sixties. We were very lucky that during their illnesses they both benefited from the amazing services of many of the charities that we have been able to support through these openings. So it is with great pride that we have taken on the adventure of this old Grade II listed house and look after our gardens so that we can arrange an opening in honour of the inestimable Ray and Maggi.

With Thanks
With such wonderful big gardens to care for, we couldn't keep them looking so very beautiful without the help of our wonderful and talented friends and helpers Daryl - at Daryl Williams Garden Design and Maintenance https://www.facebook.com/dwilliamsgardens/ and Sarah Clapham who hails from the online home of https://www.instagram.com/earthcaregardener.
We are also incredibly grateful to the previous owner of our home, Hazel Perry, from whom we inherited such wonderful established gardens and orchard.
Not to mention, of course, the many many hours spent by our own wee family pottering at so many jobs in the garden on a usually daily basis.
A Year in the Gardens
Please enjoy our photo gallery of the gardens below...